May 1, 2008
Latest Build is released on May 1st 2008, please access this release here
As TwainX was born out of real applications with real needs, it aims to be a really productive component.

The list below is a short list of the features TwainX supports currently, however features are added as development progresses, targetting several enhancements.for planned features please check the Status page .

Currently TwainX supports the following features:

Simplicity Of Deployment : Bundled and deployed as a .cab (cabinet) file, the first line declaring it inside the webpage will trigger auto-installation on the client machine. no manual intervention from neither development or support is further required.

Simplicity of Use : Adding full scanning support requires only 2 (two) lines of code, one of them is even a simple object declaration that needs not to ever change except when updating to a new versions of the component

Stealth/Interactive modes: based on the individual application requirements, the developer may choose to allow the user to adjust scanning parameters by allowing the scanner driver to pop its own scan dialog (most scanners have their own configuration dialogs) or, if required, can always run with no interaction from the user at all. Of course this is done with proper configuration of the scanner by calling a function on the control that specifies the required scanning parameters, this will not allow the user to change any scanner parameter during the image acquisition.

Single Scan, multiple regions: for many business applications it becomes practical to have a single page scan that contain multiple regions the developer is interested in. This is a HUGE time saver especially in environments where the user typically processes dozens of similar documents. this is supported using a dynamic parameter describing the scanning interest regions.

Auto-save of preferred-scanning device: The first time ever for the user to use the scanning feature you support will trigger the component to prompt the user for selection of his/her preferred scanning device. once he/she selects their device it will be automatically saved to the user registry to save a future click when he chooses to scan another image from the same application/page.

Configurable scanning parameters: Most common scanning parameters are supported in a simple to use one line configuration call. bit-depth, scanning resolution, target temporary directory on the client machine, crop-ability support, resizability support (see below), interactiviy or not, plus many more other as you will see in the detailed howto.

Dynamic compression support: not only the over all quality of the scan is controllable, but even at the individual region level you can control the quality of the target image by specifying the image compression quality. Even size orientation is supported, then compression quality is just considered a compression hint, TwainX will attempt to reach the perfect quality/compression balance that puts the individual region file size to the limit you imposed on it, decreasing the quality one level at a time until the target size is reached or such compression cannot be achieved any more.

Integrated cropping-resizing support: to tolerate the variation of media feeding acuracy, you have the option to specify if you wish the user to become able to manually adjust the individual regions post-scanning. e.g. once he has done the scanning he will be prompted to pan the region within the full scanned image and optionally resize that region as well.

Planned automated update support : in current development the most needed feature is to allow automatic file upload to the server to a configurable URL using a simple POST request. although this is not Scanning-feature per se. but it fits greately in the picture and scope ot TwainX, (Very) soon it will be added.