May 1, 2008
Latest Build is released on May 1st 2008, please access this release here
Following typical ActiveX deployment scheme, the binary distribution of TwainX is a single .cab file

The source distribution is not yet updated on sourceforge. but it will (very) soon become availbable after necessary refactoring. TwainX is written in Delphi 7 and it was made possible because of the magnifecent component delphiTwain .

Download Link
please use the following link to download TwainX from source code repository. As we continue to update it with fixes and enhancements be sure to frequently re-check this page for updates.

Get TwainX from here

Currently the project is in Beta, now don't let this scare has been used in REAL production environments for more than a year now, however a production/stable state can only be confirmed with a wider user base.

The current version is following the common ActiveX versioning/build numbers.

You will find along the project a sample Excel (!) file that demonstrates the calling of it using VBA from microsoft office. apart from the syntax difference between Visual basic code and java script the interface with the component is just as simple as it appears.